(1) The addressee gives the Grenada Postal Corporation the authority to open the Packages/Parcel for examination by Customs & Excise.
(2) Grenada Postal Corporation will hold the cargo until the charges (Shipping, Duties, Brokerage & Insurance) are fully paid by the addressee.
(3) The goods imported are legal in the state of Grenada.
3a) Address to be used for Delivery (include PMB or # sign)
3c). FL.
3d). 33166
4. Applicant authorizes delivery to and in care of
5a. Name
5b. Address
5d. GND
5e. W. I.
8). Two types of identification are required. One must contain a photograph of the addressee(s). Passport, NIS card & National ID are accepted. The agent must write in identifying information. Subject to verification
By way of this agreement, let it be known that I Your Name , hereby provide consent to IAC. Kardel Enterprises Inc. dba Pakya to inspect and search any cargo that is received and/or handled by Kardel on me and my company’s behalf.This consent is effective immediately and is blanket consent to search and inspect our cargo, valid as long as we do business with Grenada Postal Corporation dba GPC Global.